10X your business. Seriously?

10X your business. A short but powerful message, without any doubt. Although it sounds nice, let's do some basic math to put this in perspective because I am afraid that some of our youngsters might take over this slogan as a motto.

day 0: Starting your company, one owner no employees
after year 1, 10X: you have now 10 employees
after year 2, 10X: you have now 100 employees
after year 3, 10X: you have now 1'000 employees
after year 4, 10X: you have now 10'000 employees
after year 5, 10X: you have 100'000 employees.

Congratulations, you built a company roughly the size of Apple in terms of staff. Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. What took them 40+ years, you did in just five.
At conventions, you can now sit with the captains of industry of General Motors or Chevrolet and Microsoft. The CEOs of Deutsche Bank and Tesla can not sit with you; they employ well below 100'000 people in 2020.
10x is strong growth people, don't get over-excited.

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Top 10 about the author; Erik Victor 

1. is a serial entrepreneur and started his career in Engineering
2. currently a majority shareholder in corporations in the fields of Industrial Real Estate, Wealth Management & Investment funds, and International Tax Planning
3. has a passion for the dynamics of young businesses and actively endorses several start-ups
4. is an engaged member of several think-tanks and an international conference speaker
5. has a business footprint in six countries
6. speaks five languages
7. personal life - resides in Europe
8. Erik (48) is known as a discrete and private person, a family man
9. loves to spend his limited holidays in the mountains or at sea on his yacht
10. Erik has no social media accounts
