Looking for a business idea?

You hear it all the time: "I want to start a business, but in what?" There are several ways to look for an answer. Very often, as a driving force, people want their own company instead of working for someone else.
Here are some prevalent approaches;
What are my talents and skills?
People look to start a business because they are good at something, and they want to offer that service or skill in the market place. Not bad, this has possibilities.
People look for a business opportunity, a need, or a problem to solve. For example, in my region there are no gardeners, so let's start a gardening service. Sure, why not.
People look to start a business in the line of their passion, things they like (to do). Yes, it might work, but be careful; your passion and the market place do not necessarily line up.
Still, the above approaches do not always leed to an answer to the initial question; what business to start?
When my wife tells me she is going shopping, she does not always have a specific, exact plan in mind. She might go for 'something' for the upcoming winter season and see what's in store. So, why don't you go shopping? Instead of looking for a new business to start, why don't you check out what businesses are for sale? You can buy companies just like anything else; there is a market for it. And once you see what is available, start from there.
Buying a business is, just like starting one, a process. You have to make a business plan and do your due diligence. Some brokers sell companies, just like real estate; companies from owners who went bankrupt, those who retire, those who do not like business life anymore, and so on. Google it, and you might be pleasantly surprised what new ideas you find.

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Top 10 about the author; Erik Victor 

1. is a serial entrepreneur and started his career in Engineering
2. currently a majority shareholder in corporations in the fields of Industrial Real Estate, Wealth Management & Investment funds, and International Tax Planning
3. has a passion for the dynamics of young businesses and actively endorses several start-ups
4. is an engaged member of several think-tanks and an international conference speaker
5. has a business footprint in six countries
6. speaks five languages
7. personal life - resides in Europe
8. Erik (48) is known as a discrete and private person, a family man
9. loves to spend his limited holidays in the mountains or at sea on his yacht
10. Erik has no social media accounts
